Sabtu, 16 Juni 2018

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Digital Rights Management (DRM)

Digital rights management ( DRM ) is a set of access control technologies to limit the use of proprietary hardware and copyrighted works. DRM technology seeks to control the use, modification, and distribution of copyrighted works (such as software and multimedia content), and systems within devices enforcing this policy.

The use of digital rights management is not universally accepted. DRM advocates argue that it is necessary to prevent intellectual property from being copied freely, just as physical keys are needed to prevent personal items from being stolen, which can help copyright holders maintain artistic control, and that can ensure a sustainable flow of income. Those opposed to DRM argue that there is no evidence that DRM helps prevent copyright infringement, arguing that it serves only legitimate customer inconvenience, and that DRM helps big businesses discourage innovation and competition. Furthermore, the job may become permanently inaccessible if the DRM scheme changes or if the service is stopped. DRM may also restrict users from using their legal rights under copyright laws, such as reserve copies of CDs or DVDs (rather than having to buy another copy, if it can still be purchased), lend material through the library, access jobs in the public domain, or use copyrighted material for research and education under fair use doctrine, and under French law. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the Free Software Foundation (FSF) consider the use of DRM systems as anti-competitive practices.

Around the world, many laws have been created that criminalize the circumvention of DRM, communications about the avoidance, and the creation and distribution of the tools used for such avoidance. The Act is part of the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and the EU Copyright Instruction (DADVSI France is an example of EU member states ("EU") applying directive).

The term DRM is sometimes also referred to as "copy protection", "technical protection measures", "copy prevention", or "copy control", even though the truth is disputed.

Video Digital rights management


The advent of digital media and analog-to-digital conversion technology has greatly increased the concern of copyrighted individuals and organizations, especially in the music and film industry. While analog media are definitely losing quality with every copy generation, and in some cases even during normal use, digital media files can be duplicated in unlimited quantities without quality degradation.

The advent of personal computers as home appliances has made it convenient for consumers to convert media (possibly or possibly not copyrighted) initially in physical, analog or broadcast forms into universal, digital (this process is called ripping) for easy carrying or viewing later. This, combined with the internet and popular file sharing tools, has made the unauthorized distribution of copies of copyrighted digital media (also called digital piracy) much easier.

In 1983, the very early implementation of Digital Right Management (DRM) was the Software Service System (SSS) designed by Japanese engineer Ryuichi Moriya. and then refined with the name superdistribution. SSS is based on encryption, with special hardware that controls decryption and also allows payment to be sent to the copyright holder. The underlying principle of SSS and subsequent superdistribution is that the distribution of encrypted digital products must be completely unrestricted and that users of such products are not only allowed to redistribute but will actually be encouraged to do so.

General DRM techniques include limiting license agreements: Access to digital materials, copyrights and public domains is restricted to consumers as a condition of entering websites or when downloading software. Encryption, expressive material ripping and embedding tags, designed to control access and reproduction of information, including backup copies for personal use.

DRM technology allows content publishers to enforce their own access policies on content, such as copy or view restrictions. This technology has been criticized for restricting individuals from copying or using content legally, as with fair use. DRM is commonly used by the entertainment industry (eg, audio and video publishers). Many online music stores, such as Apple's iTunes Store, publishers and e-book vendors, such as OverDrive, also use DRM, as well as cable operators and satellite services, to prevent unauthorized use of content or services. However, Apple dropped DRM from all iTunes music files around 2009.

The industry has expanded the use of DRM into more traditional hardware products, such as the Keurig coffee machine, Philips lights, mobile phone chargers, and John Deere tractors. For example, tractor companies are trying to prevent farmers from making DIY improvements under the use of DRM laws as DMCAs.

Maps Digital rights management


Computer game

Limited installation activation

Computer games sometimes use DRM technology to limit the number of systems that games can install by requiring authentication with an online server. Most games with this restriction allow three or five installations, though some allow installation to 'recover' when the game is deleted. This not only limits users who have more than three or five computers in their home (given the right software developers allow them to limit the number of installations), but it can also prove to be a problem if the user has to do unexpectedly. certain tasks such as improving the operating system or reformatting the computer's hard drive, tasks that, depending on how DRM is implemented, counting the subsequent game reinstallation as a new install, make games potentially unusable after a certain period even if only used on one computer.

In mid 2008, Mass Effect publication marked the start of the title wave, especially the use of SecuROM for DRM and requires authentication with the server. The use of the DRM scheme in 2008 Spore backfired and there were protests, resulting in a large number of users looking for unlicensed versions. This kick against the limit of three activations was a significant factor in Spore becoming the most pirated game of 2008, with TorrentFreak compiling a "top 10" list with Spore above the list. However, Tweakguides concludes that the intrusive DRM presence does not seem to improve game cracking, noting that other games on the list like Call of Duty 4 and Assassin's Creed use SafeDisc DRM, which does not has installation limits and no online activation. In addition, other video games that use intrusive DRM like BioShock , Crysis Warhead , and Mass Effect , do not appear in the list.

Persistent online authentication

Many mainstream publishers continue to rely on online DRM throughout the last half of 2008 and early 2009, including Electronic Arts, Ubisoft, Valve, and Atari, The Sims 3 being the exception in the Electronic Arts case. Ubisoft violated its propensity to use online DRM at the end of 2008, with the release of Prince of Persia as an experiment to "see how real people actually are" about claims that DRM incited people to illegal copies. Although Ubisoft does not comment on the "trial" results, Tweakguides notes that two torrents on Mininova have more than 23,000 people downloading the game within 24 hours of its release.

Ubisoft officially announced back to online authentication on February 9, 2010, through Uplay's online gaming platform, starting with Silent Hunter 5, The Settlers 7 and Assassin's Creed II Silent Hunter 5 was first reported to have been compromised within 24 hours of release, but users of the cracked version soon discovered that only the beginning of the game could be played. The Uplay system works by installing games on an incomplete local PC and then continuously downloading parts of the game-code from Ubisoft server during game. That's more than a month after the PC was released in the first week of April released software that can bypass Ubisoft DRM in Assassin's Creed II. The software does this by emulating Ubisoft server for games. Later that month, a real gap was released that was able to remove the connection requirements altogether.

In early March 2010, Uplay servers experienced an inaccessible period due to large-scale DDoS attacks, causing about 5% of game owners to be locked out of their games. The company then credits affected game owners with free downloads, and there is no further downtime.

Other developers, such as Blizzard Entertainment also shifted to a strategy where most of the game logic was on the "side" or taken care of by the game's game server. Blizzard uses this strategy for his game Diablo III and Electronic Arts using this same strategy with SimCity reboot, a question that has been questioned.

Software malfunction

Bohemia Interactive has used a form of technology since Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis, where if a game copy is suspected of invalidity, a disruption such as a weapon loses its accuracy or the player turned into a bird is introduced.

Croteam, the company that released Serious Sam 3: BFE in November 2011, implemented a different form of DRM in which, instead of displaying an error message that stopped the illegal version of the game to run, it caused an unbeaten enemy within game to appear and constantly attack the player until he is killed.

Product key

One of the oldest and most complicated methods of DRM protection for Nintendo NES computers and games is when the game stops and asks players to search for specific pages in the book or manual included in the game; if players do not have access to such material, they will not be able to continue the game. A product key, an alphanumeric serial number typically used to represent a license for a particular piece of software, serves a similar function. During the installation or launch process for the software, the user is required to enter a key; if the key actually matches a valid license (usually via an internal algorithm), the key is accepted, then the user who buys the game can continue. In modern practice, key products are usually combined with other DRM practices (such as "activation" online), because the software can be solved to run without a product key, or a "keygen" program can be developed to generate a key that will be accepted..


The company's digital rights management ( E-DRM or ERM ) is a DRM technology application for controlling access to enterprise documents such as Microsoft Word, PDF, and files AutoCAD, email, and intranet web pages rather than to consumer media controls. E-DRM, now more commonly called IRM (Information Rights Management), is generally intended to prevent unauthorized use (such as industrial or company espionage or unintentional release) of proprietary documents. IRM is usually integrated with content management software systems but companies like Samsung Electronics are also developing their own custom DRM system.

DRM has been used by organizations such as the British Library in its secure electronic delivery service to enable global access to a large number of rare documents (and in many unique cases) which, for legal reasons, were previously only available to authorized individuals who actually visited the Document Center library at Boston Spa in England.


Electronic books read on personal computers, or e-book readers or e-reader applications typically use DRM technology to restrict the copying, printing, and distribution of e-books. E-books are usually limited to use on a limited number of reading devices, and some electronic publishers prevent copying or printing. Some commentators believe that DRM makes e-book publishing complex.

As of August 2012, there are five major e-book formats: EPUB, KF8, Mobipocket, PDF, and Topaz. Amazon Kindle uses KF8, Mobipocket, and Topaz; it also supports the original PDF format of e-books and original PDF files. Other e-book readers mostly use EPUB e-book format, but with different DRM schemes.

There are four mainstream e-book DRM schemes commonly used today, each from Adobe, Amazon, Apple, and Marlin Trust Management Organization (MTMO).

  • DREP ADEPT Adobe is applied to EPUB and PDF, and can be read by some third-party e-book readers, as well as Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) software. Barnes & amp; Noble uses DRM technology provided by Adobe, which is applied to older EPUB and PDB versions (Palm OS). In October 2014, Adobe released version 4.0.1 of the software, which sends data to Adobe in secure transmission (using HTTPS).
  • DRM Amazon is an adaptation of the original Mobipocket encryption and is applied to Amazon.azw4, KF8, and eBook format Mobipocket. The topaz e-book format has its own encryption system.
  • The FairPlay Apple DRM is applied to EPUB and is currently only readable by Apple iBooks apps on iOS devices and Mac OS computers.
  • The Marlin DRM is developed and managed in an open industry group known as Marlin Developer Community (MDC) and licensed by MTMO. (Marlin was founded by five companies, Intertrust, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, and Sony.) Kno's online textbook publisher uses Marlin to protect the e-book it sells in EPUB format. These books can be read on Kno Apps for iOS and Android.

In one instance of DRM that caused a consumer crack, in July 2009, removed copies purchased from George Orwell Animal Farm (1945) and Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949 ) from Amazon Kindles customers after giving them a refund for the purchased product. The commentators describe this action as Orwellian and have compared Amazon with Big Brother from Orwell's . After Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos issued a public apology, the Free Software Foundation wrote that this is just another example of Amazon's excessive power to remotely censor what people read through its software, and ask Amazon to free e-book readers and drop DRM. Amazon then reveals the reason behind its abolition: the e-book in question is an unauthorized reproduction of Orwell's work, which is not in the public domain and where the company that publishes and sells it on Amazon's services has no rights.

Websites - such as (closed by court order on February 15, 2012), BookFi, BookFinder, Library Genesis, and Science Hub - have emerged that enable downloading e-books by infringing copyright.


An early example of a DRM system is the Content Scrambling System (CSS) used by the DVD Forum on DVD movies around 1996. CSS uses encryption algorithms to encrypt content on DVD discs. DVD player manufacturers must license this technology and apply it on their device so they can decrypt encrypted content to play it. The CSS license agreement includes restrictions on how DVD content is played, including what outputs are allowed and how permitted outputs are available. This keeps the encryption intact when the video material is played to the TV.

In 1999, Jon Lech Johansen released an app called DeCSS, which allows CSS-encrypted DVDs to be played on computers running Linux operating systems, when no Linux licensed DVD player apps have not been created. The legality of DeCSS is questionable: one of the authors has been the subject of a lawsuit, and the key reproduction itself is subject to restrictions as an illegal number.

Also in 1999, Microsoft released Windows Media DRM, which reads instructions from media files in a rights management language that states what users might do with the media. Language can determine the number of times that media files can be played, and whether or not they can be burned to CD, forwarded, printed, or saved to local disk. Later versions of Windows Media DRM also allow manufacturers to state whether users can transfer media files to other devices, to implement a music subscription service that makes downloaded files unplayable once subscriptions are canceled, and to implement regional locking.

The Microsoft operating system, Windows Vista, contains a DRM system called Protected Media Path, which contains a Protected Video Path (PVP). PVP tries to stop DRM-restricted content from playing while non-signed software is running, to prevent unregistered software from accessing the content. In addition, PVP can encrypt information during transmission to a monitor or graphics card, which makes it more difficult to make unauthorized recordings.

Advanced Access Content System (AACS) is a DRM system for HD DVD and Blu-ray Disc developed by AACS Licensing Administrator, LLC (AACS LA), a consortium that includes Disney, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, Matsushita (Panasonic), Sony, Toshiba , and Warner Brothers. In December 2006, hackers published key processes online, allowing unrestricted access to AACS protected HD DVD content. Once the cracked key is unplugged, the cracked keys are subsequently released.

Marlin (DRM) is a technology developed and maintained within an open industry group known as Marlin Developer Community (MDC) and licensed by Marlin Trust Management Organization (MTMO). Founded in 2005, by five companies: Intertrust, Panasonic, Philips, Samsung, and Sony, Marlin DRM has been deployed in many places around the world. In Europe, Philips NetTV implements Marlin DRM. Also in Europe, Marlin DRM is required in industry groups such as the Open IPTV Forum and national initiatives such as HDForum in France, Tivu in Italy, and YouView in the UK, and are beginning to see widespread deployment. In Japan, acTVila IPTV service uses Marlin to encrypt video streams, which are allowed to be recorded on home DVRs.

OMA DRM is a system created by the Open Mobile Alliance, whose members represent information technology companies (eg, IBM and Microsoft), mobile phone network operators (eg, Cingular, Deutsche Telekom, Orange, O2 and Vodafone), mobile manufacturers (eg, LG, Motorola, Samsung, and Sony), mobile system manufacturers (eg Ericsson and Openwave).


Audio CD

Discs with DRM schemes are not compliant with Compact Disc (CD) but are more of a CD-ROM medium. Therefore, they all lack the CD logotype found on disks that follow the standard (known as Red Book). This CD can not be played on any CD player or personal computer. Personal computers running Microsoft Windows sometimes crash when trying to play CDs.

In 2005, Sony BMG introduced a new DRM technology that installs DRM software on a user's computer without clear notice to the user or requires confirmation. Among other things, the installed software includes rootkits, which create severe security vulnerabilities that other people can exploit. When the nature of the DRM involved was published much later, Sony BMG initially minimized the significance of software vulnerabilities that had been created, but ultimately forced to recall millions of CDs, and released several attempts to patch the software that is silently included into at least removing rootkits. Some class action lawsuits are filed, finally settled by agreement to provide consumers with cash payments or album downloads that are free of DRM.

Sony BMG's DRM software actually has only limited ability to prevent copying, as it only affects playback on Windows computers, not on other devices. Even on Windows platforms, users regularly cross the line. And while Sony BMG DRM technology creates a fundamental vulnerability in the customer's computer, some of it can easily be skipped by pressing the "shift" key while inserting the CD, or by disabling the autorun feature. In addition, the audio tracks can be played and re-recorded, so it really passes through all the DRM (this is known as an analog hole). The first two attempts of Sony BMG in releasing patches that will remove the DRM software from the user's computer failed.

In January 2007, EMI stopped the publication of an audio CD with DRM, stating that "DRM costs do not match the results." Following EMI, Sony BMG is the latest publisher to completely remove DRM, and an audio CD containing DRM is no longer released by the four largest recording companies.

Internet music

Many internet music stores hire DRM to limit the use of music purchased and downloaded.

  • Prior to 2009, Apple's iTunes Store used the FairPlay DRM system for music. Apple does not license its DRM to other companies, so only Apple devices and Apple QuickTime media players can play iTunes music. In May 2007, the EMI track became available in iTunes Plus format at a higher price point. This track has a higher quality (256 kbit/s) and free DRM. In October 2007, the iTunes Plus song cost was reduced to US $ 0.99. In April 2009, all iTunes music became available completely DRM-free. (Videos sold and rented through iTunes, as well as iOS Apps, will continue to use Apple's FairPlay DRM.)
  • The Napster music store offers a subscription-based approach to DRM with a permanent purchase. Users of subscription services can download and stream unlimited music transcoded to Windows Media Audio (WMA) while subscribing to the service. But when the subscription period ends, all downloaded music can not be played until the user updates his subscription. Napster also bill users who want to use music on their portable device for an additional $ 5 per month. In addition, Napster gives users the option to pay an additional $ 0.99 per track to burn it to a CD or to have the song never expire. Music purchased through Napster can be played on players carrying the Microsoft PlaysForSure logo (which, in particular, does not include iPods or even Microsoft's Zune). In June 2009, Napster offered free DRM music, which can be played on iPhone and iPod.
  • Wal-Mart Music Downloads, another music download store, costs $ 0.94 per song for all non-sales downloads. All Wal-Mart downloads can be played on any marked Windows PlaysForSure product. Music plays on the mp3 player Sansa SanDisk, for example, but has to be copied to the player's internal memory. It can not be played via the player's microSD card slot, which is a problem that many users experience in mp3 players.
  • Sony operates a music download service called "Connect" that uses Sony's OpenMG DRM technology. Music downloaded from this store (usually via Sony SonicStage software) can only be played on computers running Microsoft Windows and Sony hardware (including PSP and some Sony Ericsson phones).
  • Kazaa is one of the few services that offer subscription-based pricing models. However, music downloads from the Kazaa website are DRM protected and can only be played on a computer or portable device running Windows Media Player, and only as long as the subscribers continue to subscribe to Kazaa.

Current services can not be operated, although those using the same DRM system (eg some Windows Media DRM stores, including Napster, Kazaa and Yahoo Music) all provide songs that can be played side by side through the same. player program. Most stores require client software to download, and some also require plug-ins. Some colleges and universities, such as Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, have arranged with various Internet music suppliers to provide (usually DRM-restricted) access to music files for their students, to less than universal popularity, sometimes making payments from student activity costs. One problem is that music becomes unplayable after leaving school unless the student continues to pay individually. Another is that some of these vendors are compatible with the most common portable music player, Apple iPod. The Gowers Review of Intellectual Property (for HMG in the UK; 141 pages, 40 specific recommendations) has noted incompatibilities, and suggests (Recommendation 8--12) that there is an explicit exclusion for copyright allowing libraries to copy and format-shift between DRM schemes , and further allows end users to do the same in private. If adopted, some roles may decrease.

Although DRM is prevalent for Internet music, some online music stores such as eMusic, Dogmazic, Amazon, and Beatport, do not use DRM though encouraging users to avoid sharing music. Label starts releasing more music without DRM. Eric Bangeman suggested in Ars Technica that this is because record labels "slowly began to realize that they can not have DRMed music and full control over the online music market at the same time... One way to break the cycle is to sell playable music in any digital audio player eMusic does that, and the vast non-DRMed music catalog has crammed it into the number two online music store position behind the iTunes Store. "Steve Jobs from Apple asked the music industry to eliminate DRM in an open letter titled Thoughts on Music. Apple iTunes Store will start selling DRM-free 256 kbit/s (up from 128 kbit/s) AAC encoded music from EMI at a premium price (this has returned to standard price).

In March 2007,, one of the largest Internet music retailers in Europe, announced their strong position against DRM. In an open letter, Musicload states that three of the four calls to their customer support phone service are as a result of consumer frustration with DRM.

Phone ringtone

The Open Mobile Alliance creates standards for interoperable DRM on mobile devices. The first version of OMA DRM consists of a simple rights management language and is widely used to protect mobile ringtones from being copied from the phone to other devices. The next version extends the rights management language into an expression similar to Fairplay, but is not widely used.


Standard CableCard is used by cable television providers in the United States to limit content to the service where subscribers have subscribed.

The broadcast flag concept was developed by Fox Broadcasting in 2001, and supported by the MPAA and US Federal Communications Commission (FCC). A ruling in May 2005, by a US appellate court declared that the FCC had no authority to impose it on the US TV industry. All HDTVs are required to adhere to stream specifications that determine whether streams can be recorded. This can block instances of fair use, such as time transfer. It achieved more success elsewhere when it was adopted by the Digital Video Broadcasting Project (DVB), a consortium of about 250 broadcasters, manufacturers, network operators, software developers and regulators from around 35 countries involved in developing new digital TV standards..

The latest variant of the broadcast flag has been developed in the Content Protection and Copy Management group based on DVB (DVB-CPCM). After publication by DVB, technical specifications were submitted to European governments in March 2007. Like many DRMs, the CPCM system is intended to control the use of copyrighted material by end users, at the discretion of the copyright holder. According to Ren Bucholz of the EFF, who was paid to become a consortium member, "you will not even know beforehand whether and how you will be able to record and utilize a specific program or device". DVB claims that the system will harmonize copyright holders in various technologies, making it easier for end users. The normative section has now been approved for publication by the DVB Steering Committee, and will be published by ETSI as a formal European Standard as ETSI TS 102 825-X where X refers to the part number of the specification. No one has stepped forward to give the Compliance and Substance regime to the standard (although some are reportedly under development), so it is currently impossible to fully implement the system, since there is no place to obtain the necessary device certificates.


Sometimes, metadata is included in purchased media that records information such as the buyer's name, account information, or email address. Also includes possible file publishers, authors, creation dates, download dates, and notes. This information is not embedded in the play content, such as watermarks, but remains separate, but inside files or streams.

For example, metadata is used on media purchased from the Apple iTunes Store for DRM-free and their restricted DRM music or video versions. This information is included as a standard MPEG metadata.


Digital watermarks existed since 1992. Their steganography is embedded in audio or video data during production or distribution. They can be used to record copyright owners, distributors, distribution chains or identify music buyers.

Watermarks are not a complete DRM mechanism in their own right, but are used as part of a system for copyright enforcement, such as helping provide evidence of prosecution for legal purposes, not direct technology restrictions. Some programs used to edit video and/or audio can distort, erase, or disturb watermarks. Signal/modulator chromatography can also separate the watermarks from the original audio or detect them as glitches. In addition, the comparison of two audio copies obtained separately using simple home algorithms can often reveal watermarks.

Streaming media service

Since the late 2000s, the trend in media consumption has been to rent content using online streaming services, such as Spotify for music and Netflix for video content. Copyright holders often require these services to protect the content they license using the DRM mechanism.

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The 1996 Universal Intellectual Property Rights Copyright Agreement (WCT) requires states to enact legislation against the termination of DRM, and has been applied in most of the member countries of the World Intellectual Property Organization.

The United States Implementation is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), while in Europe the agreement has been implemented by the 2001 European directive on copyright, which requires EU Member States to apply legal protection for technological preventive measures. In 2006, the lower house of the French parliament adopted the law as part of a controversial DADVSI law, but added that protected DRM techniques must be interoperable, a move that causes widespread controversy in the United States. The Tribunal de grande de Paris concluded in 2006 that the total blocking of the possibility of making private copies is a behavior that is not permitted under French copyright law.


In 1998 the "Interim Regulation" was established in China, referring to the DMCA. China also has Intellectual Property Rights, which for the World Trade Organization, "is incompatible with the Berne Convention". The WTO panel "stipulates that Chinese copyright laws do not give the same effectiveness to non-Chinese citizens as they do to Chinese citizens, as required by the Bern Convention". and that "China's copyright law does not provide enforcement procedures thereby allowing effective action against any act of intellectual property infringement". Because China has a DMCA and/or copyright law, it is assumed they use some kind of technology to enforce the law, but not specifically mentioned DRM technology.

European Union

On May 22, 2001, the EU passed the EU Copyright Directive, an implementation of the 1996 WIPO Copyright Agreement, which addresses many of the same issues as the DMCA.

On 25 April 2007, the European Parliament supported the first directives of the European Union, which aims to harmonize criminal law in member states. It adopted the first reading report on the harmonization of national measures to combat copyright infringement. If the European Parliament and the Council agree to the law, the directive will require Member States to consider crimes of international copyright infringement committed for commercial purposes. This text suggests many actions: from fines to imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense. The EP members supported the Commission's movement, changing some texts. They exclude patents from various directives and decide that sanctions should apply only to infringements for commercial purposes. Copying for personal, non-commercial purposes is also excluded from the referral range.

In 2012, the EU Justice Tribunal decided to support the resale of copyrighted games, prohibiting any precautions that would prevent such transactions. The court said that "The first sale in the EU from a copy of a computer program by a copyright holder or by its consent is exhausted the copy distribution rights in the EU.A rightful holder who has marketed a copy in the territory of an EU Member State loses the right to rely on exploitation monopoly for against the resale of the copy. "

By 2014, the Court of Justice of the European Union has decided that avoiding DRM on game devices is legal in some circumstances, limiting legal protection to include only technological measures intended to prevent or eliminate unlawful reproductive, communications, public offerings or distribution..


India is not a signatory to the WIPO Copyright Agreement or WIPO Performances and Speech Treaty. However, as part of its copyright law amendment in 2012, it implements digital rights management protection. Article 65A of the Copyright Act, 1957 imposes criminal sanctions on the evasion of "effective technological protection measures". Section 65B criminalizes interference with digital rights management information. Any distribution of copies whose rights information information is modified is also criminalized by Article 65B. The terms used in the provisions are not specifically defined, with the Parliamentary Standing Committee concerned indicating the same has been intentional. The Standing Committee noted that similar terms in developed terms have been used for considerable complexity and therefore in the same light, it is better to remain open.

Prison sentences are mandatory under both provisions, with a maximum period of 2 years in addition to fines, which are discretionary. Although the law does not include exceptions to copyright infringement, including fair use directly, Section 65A allows "unless expressly prohibited" actions, which may implicitly include such exceptions. However, Section 65B has no exceptions. Furthermore. Article 65B (digital rights management information) allows the use of other civil provisions, unlike Section 65A.

It is important to note that the WIPO Internet Treaties themselves do not mandate criminal sanctions, requiring only "effective legal restoration". Thus, the adoption of criminal sanctions in India ensures compliance with the highest standards of WIPO internet agreements. In light of the 2012 amendments, India's entry into WIPO Internet Treaties appears to be facilitated, especially since the ratification of WIPO Internet Treaties is mandatory under agreements such as RCEP.


In 2014 Israel has not ratified the WIPO Copyright Agreement. The current Israeli law does not expressly prohibit circumvention of the technological measures used to implement digital rights management. In June 2012, the Israeli Justice Department proposed a bill to ban such activities, but the Knesset did not pass them. In September 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that current copyright laws can not be construed to prohibit circumvention of digital rights management, although the Court opens the possibility that such activities may result in obligations under unfair enrichment laws.

United States

In May 1998, the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) was adopted as an amendment to US copyright law, which criminalizes the production and dissemination of technologies that enable users to avoid technical copy-cutting methods. (For a more detailed analysis of the law, see WIPO Copyright and Performance and Phonograms Treaties Implementation Act.)

The inverse engineering of the existing system is expressly permitted under the Act under certain conditions of secure ports, where circumvention is required to achieve interoperability with other software. See 17 U.S.C. Seconds. 1201 (f). Open-source software to decrypt scrambled content with Content Scrambling System and other encryption techniques presents issues that are difficult to solve by applying the Act. Much depends on the actor's intentions. If decryption is done for the purpose of achieving interoperability of an open source operating system with proprietary operating systems, it will be protected by Section 1201 (f) of the Act. Cf., Universal City Studios, Inc. v. Corley, 273 F.3d 429 (2d Cir 2001) in notes 5 and 16. However, the deployment of such software for the purpose of infringing or encouraging others to infringe copyright has been held wild. See Universal City Studios, Inc. v. Reimerdes, 111 F. Supp. 2d 346 (S.D.N.Y. 2000).

DMCAs are largely ineffective in protecting DRM systems, because software that allows users to avoid DRM remains widely available. However, those who wish to defend the DRM system have tried to use the Act to restrict the distribution and development of such software, as in the case of DeCSS.

Although the Act contains exemptions for research, exceptions are subject to few vague qualifications to convince researchers. Cf., 17 U.S.C. Seconds. 1201 (g). The DMCA has affected cryptography, as many are concerned that cryptanalysis research may violate the DMCA. In 2001, the arrest of Russian programmer Dmitry Sklyarov for alleged violations of the DMCA is a highly publicized example of legal use to prevent or punish the development of anti-DRM measures. He was arrested in the US after a presentation at DEF CON, and spent several months in jail. The DMCA has also been referred to as cold for non-criminal users, such as cryptanalysis students including, Professor Felten and students at Princeton University; security consultants, such as the Dutch-based Niels Ferguson, who refused to publish the vulnerabilities he found in Intel's secure computing scheme for fear of being captured under the DMCA when he traveled to the US; and blind or blind reader screen users or other auxiliary technologies.

International issues

In Europe, there are several ongoing dialogue activities characterized by the intention of building their consensus:

  • January 2001 Digital Rights Management Workshop of the World Wide Web Consortium.
  • 2003 Participatory preparation from the European Committee on Standardization/Community Information System Standardization System (CEN/ISSS) DRM Report.
  • DRM Workshop 2005 Directorate General for Information and Media Communities (EC), and High Level Group work on DRM.
  • 2005 Gowers Intellectual Property Review by the British Government of Andrew Gowers published in 2006 with recommendations on copyright provisions, exceptions, orphan works, and copyright enforcement.
  • The 2004 Consultative Process of the European Commission, DG of Internal Markets, at COM Communications (2004) 261 by the European Commission on "Copyright Management and Related Rights" (closed).
  • The AXMEDIS Project, the European Commission's Integrated Project of FP6, has the primary objective to automate content production, copy protection and distribution, to reduce related costs, and to support DRM in both B2B and B2C areas, aligning them.
  • The INDICARE Project is an ongoing dialogue on consumer acceptance of DRM solutions in Europe. It is an open and neutral platform for the exchange of facts and opinions, mainly based on articles by writers of science and practice.

Opinions on Digital rights management


Many leading organizations, individuals, and computer scientists are against DRM. Two famous DRM critics are John Walker, as expressed, for example, in his article "The Digital Imprimatur: How Big Brother and the big media can put the Internet jinn back into the bottle", and Richard Stallman in his article Right to Read and in other public statements: "DRM is an example of a malicious feature - a feature designed to hurt software users, and therefore, it is something that will never exist tolerance". Stallman also believes that using the word "right" is misleading and suggests that the word "limitation", as in "Digital Restriction Management", is used instead. This terminology has since been adopted by many writers and other critics who have nothing to do with Stallman.

Other DRM critics include Professor Ross Anderson of Cambridge University, who heads a British organization opposed to DRM and similar efforts in the UK and elsewhere, and Cory Doctorow, a writer and technology blogger.

There are many others who see DRM at a more fundamental level. This is similar to some ideas in Michael H. Goldhaber's presentation of "The Attention Economy and the Net" at the 1997 conference on "Digital Information Economics." (sample quote from the "Suggestions for Transition" section of the presentation: "If you do not know how to buy it at no charge, you may be doing something wrong.")

EFF and similar organizations like also have positions that are characterized as opposed to DRM.

The Free Information Infrastructure Foundation has criticized the effect of DRM as a trade barrier from a free market perspective.

The latest version of the GNU General Public License version 3, as released by the Free Software Foundation, has the provision that "strips" DRM from its legal value, so that people can stop DRM on GPL software without violating any laws like DMCA. Also, in May 2006, the FSF launched a "Disability by Design" campaign against DRM.

Creative Commons provides licensing options that encourage the expansion and development of creative work without the use of DRM. In addition, the Creative Commons license has an anti-DRM clause, therefore the use of DRM by the licensee to restrict the freedom granted by the Creative Commons license is a violation of the Basic Right affirmed by the license.

Bill Gates talked about DRM at CES in 2006. According to him, DRM is not where it should be, and it causes problems for legitimate consumers while trying to differentiate between legitimate and unauthorized users.

According to Steve Jobs, Apple opposes DRM music after an open letter calling its music label stop requiring DRM in the iTunes Store. On January 6, 2009, iTunes Store is DRM-free for the song.

Norwegian consumer rights organization "ForbrukerrÃÆ'  ¥ det" complained to Apple Inc. in 2007, on the use of DRM by the company in, and along with, its iPod and iTunes products. Apple is accused of limiting users' access to their music and videos in unlawful ways, and using EULAs that conflict with Norwegian consumer laws. The complaint is supported by consumer ombudsmen in Sweden and Denmark, and is currently under review in the EU. Similarly, the United States Federal Trade Commission held a hearing in March 2009, to review the disclosure of DRM restrictions for the use of media products by customers.

Opponents of DRM argue that the presence of DRM violates existing property rights and limits the range of normal and legal legal activities up to now. The DRM component controls a user-owned device (such as a digital audio player) by limiting how the device can act in relation to a particular content, overriding some user desires (for example, preventing users from burning copyrighted songs to CDs as part of compilations or reviews). Doctorow has described this possibility as "the right to create your own copyright law".

Examples of these restrictions on user legal activity can be seen in the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system where content using Protected Media Paths is disabled or downgraded depending on the evaluation of the DRM scheme whether the hardware and its use are 'safe'. All forms of DRM depend on devices that support DRM (eg, Computers, DVD players, TVs) impose restrictions that (at least with intent) can not be disabled or altered by the user. Key issues surrounding DRM such as the right to make personal copies, provisions for people to lend copies to friends, provisions for termination of services, hardware agnosticism, software and operating systems agnosticism, contracts for public libraries, and customer protection against single-sided amendments of the contract by the publisher has not been fully addressed. (see reference 80-89) It has also been demonstrated that it is entirely unclear whether content owners with DRM are legally allowed to pass on their property as an inheritance to others.

Tools like FairUse4WM have been created to remove Windows Media's DRM restrictions.

Valve Corporation President Gabe Newell also stated "most DRM strategies are just stupid" because they only lower the value of the game in the eyes of consumers. Newell suggested that the target should be "[creating] greater value for customers through the value of the service". Valve operates Steam, a service that serves as an online store for PC games, as well as social networking services and DRM platforms.

At the 2012 Game Developers Conference, CEO of Projekt Red CD, Marcin Iwinski, announces that the company will not use DRM in any of the upcoming releases. Iwinski stated about DRM, "it's just things that are too complicated.We release the game.This cracks in two hours, no time for Witcher 2. What really strikes me is that pirates do not use the GOG version, which is not They took the retail version of SecuROM, broke it and said 'we broke it' - while there was an unsafe version with a simultaneous release.You would think the GOG version would be an outstanding one. "Iwinski added after the presentation," DRM does not protect your game. If there is an example it does, then one might have to consider it, but then there are complications with legitimate users. "

Bruce Schneier argues that prevention of digital copies is futile: "What the entertainment industry is trying to do is use technology to contradict the laws of nature They want practical ways to make copies hard enough to save their existing business, but they are destined to fail. " He also describes trying to make a non-bootable digital file "like trying to make water not wet". The creators of StarForce also took this stance, stating that "The purpose of copy protection does not make the game unfinished - impossible."

The Association for Computing Machines and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers have historically opposed DRM, even calling AACS the "most likely to fail" technology in the IEEE Spectrum issue.

DRM-free work

In reaction to opposition to DRM, many publishers and artists label their work as "DRM free". The big companies that have done it include the following:

  • Apple Inc. sold DRM content on their iTunes Store when it started in 2003, but made DRM-free music after April 2007 and has labeled all music as "DRM-Free" since January 2009. The music continues to keep digital watermarks to identify buyers. Other works sold on iTunes such as apps, audiobooks, movies, and TV shows continue to be protected by DRM.
  • Since 2014, Comixology, which distributes digital comics, has allowed rights holders to give the option to download comics purchased for free from DRM. Publishers that allow this include Dynamite Entertainment, Image Comics, Sensation, Top Shelf Productions, and Zenescope Entertainment.
  • (formerly Good Old Games), a digital distributor started in 2008, specializes in the distribution of PC video games. While most other digital distribution services allow different forms of DRM (or embedding them), has a strict non-DRM policy.
  • All music sold on Google Play is free DRM.
  • Tor Books, the main publisher of science fiction and fantasy books, began selling DRM-free e-books in July 2012. Smaller e-book publishers, such as Baen Books and O'Reilly Media, have forgotten the previous DRM.
  • Vimeo on Demand is one of the publishers included in the free DRM Free Foundation guide.

A Critical Look at the Pros and Cons of Digital Rights Management


DRM server and Internet outage

Many DRM systems require authentication with online servers. Every time a server goes down, or an area or country experiences an Internet outage, it effectively locks people from registering or using material. This is especially true for products that require persistent online authentication, where, for example, a successful DDoS attack on the server will essentially render all copies of the material unusable.

DRM bypass methods for audio and video content

One simple method to bypass DRM in an audio file is to burn content to an audio CD and then tear it into a DRM-free file. Some software products simplify and automate this burn-rip process by allowing users to burn music to CD-RW discs or to a Virtual CD-R drive, then automatically tear and encode music, and automatically repeat this process until all the music is selected has been converted, rather than forcing the user to do this one CD (72 to 80 minutes of music) at a time.

Many software programs are developed that bypass the data stream because it is decrypted from a DRM-constrained file, and then use this data to create DRM-free files. These programs require a decryption key. Programs that do this for Blu-ray Disc, DVD, and HD DVD include universal decryption keys in the software itself. Programs that do this for iTunes audio, PlaysForSure songs, and TiVo ToGo recordings, however, rely on the user key itself - that is, they can only process content that has been legally gained by users under their own account.

Another method is to use software to record signals sent over an audio or video card or attach an analog recording device to the analog output of the media player. These techniques take advantage of "analog holes".

To bypass embedded DRM technology in video-streaming services, hackers use a variety of methods. In addition to rerecording and distributing video streams, they place links to a video streaming service on hacked web pages, sell legitimate user data on the black market for other people to use, and legitimate users share their accounts with family or friends who do not intend to pay service.

Analog recording

All forms of DRM for audio and visual material (excluding interactive materials, for example, videogames) are subject to an analog hole, ie that in order for viewers to be able to play material, digital signals must be converted into analog signals containing light and/or sound for viewers, and available to be copied because there is no DRM capable of controlling the content in this form. In other words, users can play purchased audio files while using a separate program to record sound back to the computer into a DRM-free file format.

Therefore, all DRM can be skipped by recording these signals and digitally storing and distributing them in an infinite form of DRM, by anyone with the technical means to record analog streams. Furthermore, the analog hole can not be overcome without additional protection from externally imposed restrictions, such as the rule of law, because the vulnerability is attached to all analog transmission means. However, conversion from digital to analog and back tends to force loss of quality, especially when using lossy digital format. HDCP is an attempt to install analog holes, although most are ineffective.

Asus released a soundcard that has a function called "Analog Loopback Transformation" to pass the DRM limits. This feature allows users to record DRM-restricted audio over the default analog I/O connection soundcard.

To prevent this exploitation, there is some discussion between copyright holders and electronics manufacturers who are able to play the content to no longer include analog connectivity on their devices. The movement, dubbed the "Analog Sunset", has seen a steady decline in analog output options on most Blu-ray devices manufactured after 2010.

Common computing platforms

Many of the DRM systems used are designed to work on general purpose computing devices, such as desktop PCs, apparently because they are perceived as a major contributor to the loss of revenue from unauthorized copying. Large commercial copyright infringers avoid consumer equipment, so losses from such offenders will not be covered by the provisions.

Such schemes, especially software-based ones, can never be completely secure because the software must include all the information needed to decrypt the content, such as the decryption key. An attacker will be able to extract this information, directly decrypt and copy the content, which bypasses the restrictions imposed by the DRM system.

Hardware built with the purpose

Many DRM schemes use encrypted media that require hardware that is tailor-made for listening or viewing content. This seems to ensure that only licensed users (who own the hardware) can access the content. It also tries to protect the secret key decryption of the system user.

While in principle it can work, it is very difficult to build hardware to protect the secret key against an adequately defined enemy. Many such systems fail in the field. Once the secret key is known, building hardware versions that do checks are not often relatively straightforward. In addition to the provisions of user verification is often the target of attack, pirate decryption becomes one of the most frequently visited.

Real world examples can be found in commercial satellite broadcast television systems such as DirecTV and Astro Malaysia. The company uses stubborn smart cards to store the decryption keys so they are hidden from users and satellite receivers. However, the system has been compromised in the past, and DirecTV has been forced to launch regular updates and replacements for its smart cards.


Watermarks can often be removed, even if video or audio degradation can occur.

Unencrypted copy failure

Bulk redistribution of hard copy does not need DRM to be decrypted or deleted, as it can be achieved by copying perfect bits of legally obtained media without accessing decrypted content. In addition, still encrypted disk images can be distributed over the Internet and played on legitimate licensed players.


DRM can accelerate hardware obsolescence, turning it into electronic waste faster:

  • DRM-related restrictions on hardware capabilities can artificially reduce the potential use of the device (to the point of manufacture of devices consisting of general purpose components that can be used only for approved purposes, or with "content" provided by the vendor ", limit the ability to upgrade and repair Cf. exclusive software, orphaned works, planned obsolescence Example:
    • DVD region code (applies to discs and DVD players and drives);
    • removal of OtherOS features from the Sony PlayStation 3 game console;
    • Tivariate, UEFI Secure Boot, and something similar.
  • Users can be forced to buy new devices for compatibility with DRM (that is, having to upgrade the operating system to one with different hardware requirements).

Moral implications and legitimacy

According to the EFF, "in an effort to attract customers, this music service is trying to blur the limits they charge you with ingenious marketing."

DRM laws are widely violated: according to the Official Australian Music Chart Survey, copyright infringement of all causes is practiced by millions of people.

Relaxing some form of DRM can be useful

Jeff Raikes, former president of Microsoft Business Division, stated: "If they are going to hijack someone, we want it to be us than anyone else." A similar argument was made in an early paper by Kathleen Conner and Richard Rummelt. A further study of digital rights management for e-books by Gal Oestreicher-Singer and Arun Sundararajan suggests that relaxing some forms of DRM can benefit digital rights holders as the loss of piracy goes beyond the increase in value to legitimate buyers.

Also, free distribution, even if unauthorized, can benefit small or new content providers by disseminating and popularizing the content and therefore generating a larger consumer base by sharing and word of mouth. Some musicians

Source of the article : Wikipedia
